While this is a general rule, some product return policies may vary depending on the seller or product category. If a product you purchased on Amazon Prime doesn’t work out as planned, you can get a refund within 30 days of the initial purchase. Let’s take a look at another company’s return policy.

Unfortunately, Audible doesn’t allow membership refunds. You will then receive a confirmation email to verify the plan change.

The company states that they reserve the right to cancel any membership fully or partially, even without notice. However, you’ll still have access to any content you purchased previously.ĭespite Audible’s pretty strict rules regarding the membership cancellation policy, there is one way to get a membership refund. The company will end your membership and all the benefits that came with it.

How to Get a Refund on Audible MembershipĪs stated in Audible’s Conditions of Use, if you decide to cancel your membership, you won’t receive a refund for any purchases or fees already paid.