
Compress a zip file
Compress a zip file

Note that Windows users decompressing your zip will also see ‘dot files’ – files and folders whose filenames are preceded by dots or sometimes underscores (such as ‘.DS_Store’ or ‘_MACOSX’).

compress a zip file

Once zipping has completed, drag the folder you created to the Trash. Then hold down Ctrl and click the folder, selecting the Compress option on the menu. Drag and drop the files you want to be in the zip, but hold down Alt before releasing the mouse button so the files are copied there. To compress several files and/or folders, create a new folder (Shift +Ĭmd + N) within Finder or on the desktop and name it whatever you want the zip to be called.

compress a zip file

You can delete the original file if you wish, but you won’t be able to view or use the zipped file in its present form: you’ll need to unzip it first. zip file can now be emailed to a friend or simply stored until needed.

Compress a zip file